Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle, New Jersey Isabella Estupinan Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle, New Jersey Isabella Estupinan

How to Spend Your “Me Day”

Believe me, we all find ourselves fatigued and in desperate need of a break – this, my friends, is what we would call burnout. Cue the Me Day: a full day you take entirely for yourself to help your body and mind recuperate from the stress of life in our busy modern age. So, I’m going to give you a few suggestions on how to spend your “Me Day” so that you can quickly bounce back from weariness.

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New Jersey, New York, Lifestyle, NY Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle Sofia Estupiñán New Jersey, New York, Lifestyle, NY Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle Sofia Estupiñán

Two Outdoor Places to Visit in NJ and NY

It's summer, which means the warm weather lets us get outside and take in some fresh air. Although sometimes we might get too absorbed in our favorite Netflix show, we lose track of time and waste our whole day. Before you know it, summer will be over – so take advantage of the warm weather while it lasts – and visit Governors Island in NY and Loantaka Brook Reservation in Morristown NJ.

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Shopping for a Good Cause: The Junior League Summit Thrift Store

My cousin and I have found a newfound love for thrifting. It's an eco-friendly way to find pre-loved statement pieces. Naturally, last time we met up, we had to visit a local thrift store - ever since that escapade, I've been searching for ones nearby me. However, I was rather delighted to rediscover one right under my nose. It's one of those places you know about, but once you walk in, you just CAN'T believe you haven't visited.  Say hello to the Junior League Summit Thrift Shop, quaintly housed in Summit at 37 Deforest Avenue.

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A Guide to Shopping Sustainably

Choosing between buying sustainable clothing and fast fashion is no easy task – we’ve all been there. The prices of most pieces from sustainable stores are absurd ($40 for a plain white t-shirt?!), meanwhile places like Shein use cheap fabrics and contribute to the ever-climbing rates of carbon emissions. It’s hard to know when to invest in expensive items, but more environmentally-conscious items, and when to buy affordable clothes (albeit maybe lesser quality). So, to make your life even just a tad bit easier, here is A Guide to Shopping Sustainably.

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Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle, New Jersey Dasara Kurti Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle, New Jersey Dasara Kurti

How and Why I Annotate My Books

I know what you’re thinking. You’re getting flashbacks to middle school English class where they made you take banal “post-its” or “notes” every other page, ruining the book completely. Trust me, if you told me three years ago that I would enjoy annotating the books I read, I would have been more surprised than if you told me English class class would be held over tiny pixelated squares on my computer. Yet when given more freedom, I’ve discovered that annotating doesn’t have to be an irritating chore – but rather something you can immensely benefit from. Read on for tips from me on how to benefit from and enjoy annotation!

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The Co-Co: A Community and A Movement

In a world turned upside-down by a series of unexpected events, the business and working world has changed. After the past two years, many workers find themselves feeling as though their work and home lives have combined – but it doesn’t have to stay that way. A relatively modern concept, co-working spaces offer a ‘no strings attached’ approach to the work day. Summit, NJ’s The Co-Co is an exceptional co-working space – providing a light-filled, impeccably clean, and beautifully designed open workspace, as well as a strong and diverse community.

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Planting in the Summer

It’s a complete myth that you can only plant in spring. Sure, you can’t start your garden in the dead of winter with snow up to your knees, but there is nothing stopping you from getting to work in the summer. Determined to help and to summarize all of my knowledge into one article, here are the plants you should get as well as tips and tricks for gardening in the heat.

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New Jersey, Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle Isabella Estupinan New Jersey, Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle Isabella Estupinan

Why I Love Long Drives

When you think about peace, what comes to mind? Is it relaxing in front of the ocean on a sunny beach day, the gentle crashing of the waves on the shore slowing pushing you toward sleep? Is it settling in on a super comfy couch with a warm tea in your hand while you catch up on your favorite novel? Whatever your favorite idyllic scene looks like, everyone has something that they can always count on to wind them down after a long day. For me, that’s going on a long drive.

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Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle, New Jersey Chloe Lee Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle, New Jersey Chloe Lee

2 Shows to Binge on a Rainy Day

We’ve all had those summer days- the rain patters against the window panes, the trees are dancing in the wind, and all you want to do is wrap yourself in some blankets and watch Netflix all day. Well, lucky for you, I have compiled a list of my top 2 comfort shows to watch when you’re in need of coziness. Get ready for the greatest binge-watching session of your life.

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New Jersey, Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle Dasara Kurti New Jersey, Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle Dasara Kurti

Summer Swimming Games

Summer is back once again, and with temperatures already hitting record highs, it’s clear it’ll be a boiling hot three months. Going down the shore, to a nearby lake, or to your local pool will be the only way to find salvation from the blistering outdoors. But if you’re like me, I don’t want to just cool off in the water; I want to have fun. I’ve found three fantastic summer swimming games for everyone to enjoy.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Thrifting

Thrifting has been around for a long time but it’s really only become popular in the last few years or so. It’s not surprising that thrifting has become big, since it’s an easy way to save money while continuing to buy sustainably. But before walking through the gates of the glorious paradise that is a thrift store, we must have a game plan. And so, without further ado, here is A Beginner’s Guide to Thrifting.

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Minimalist Closet Clean-out

The days of materialism are over, and minimalism is taking its place. The idea of minimalism is often surrounded by the stigma of not owning enough, when in reality, it’s all about owning exactly what you need. Today, I will be focusing on applying minimalism to your surroundings. In other words, a couple tips and tricks on how to not only organize your closet (or room!), but keep it that way.

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New Jersey, NJ Lifestyle, Lifestyle Isabella Estupinan New Jersey, NJ Lifestyle, Lifestyle Isabella Estupinan

How Baking Keeps Me Sane

When the pandemic first started, there were lots of days where I just felt... meh. All the things I used to love doing just seemed so pointless. At least, that was until I found the phrase “Sourdough Bread Starter” trending on social media. As my entire family feasted on the fresh bread with jam and butter for breakfast, I felt a euphoria that I hadn’t felt in a long time. It looked like I had just found a way to keep myself sane throughout quarantine.

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New Jersey, NJ Lifestyle, Lifestyle Chloe Lee New Jersey, NJ Lifestyle, Lifestyle Chloe Lee

10 Summer Bucket List Ideas

Summer is quickly approaching, and after a full year of being stuck at home, I think it’s safe to say that we are all ready to go out into the world. But I find myself wasting my days, searching for interesting activities to do by myself, with friends, or with family. But look no further because today, I have created the ultimate list of 10 summer activities to do while still adhering to COVID-19 guidelines!

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New Jersey, Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle Dasara Kurti New Jersey, Lifestyle, NJ Lifestyle Dasara Kurti

“Doodle Diary” Trend Review

The Doodle Diary Trend: you sketch, draw, or color one page a day in a notebook or sketchbook. The doodles can be extremely simple, like stick figures, or can be complex works of art.

Some people use them to try and improve their drawing skills, others to record their daily experiences, and others to cope with the stressors of everyday life.

Now it’s the beginning of summer, and I’m reviewing my experience with this trend. Did it have the intended effects, was it practical, and would others enjoy it?

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