Minimalist Closet Clean-out

The days of materialism are over, and minimalism is taking its place. The idea of minimalism is often surrounded by the stigma of not owning enough, when in reality, it’s all about owning exactly what you need. And what is “enough” is all up to you. Minimalism has various levels that cater to both your living space and your mind. Today, I will be focusing on applying minimalism to your surroundings. In other words, a couple tips and tricks on how to not only organize your closet (or room!), but keep it that way. 


Take everything out

When cleaning out your closet or your room – please, please, please take everything out and put it in piles on your floor or bed. Normally, when I decide that I am going to do some cleaning, I end up skimming through my closet and pick out 2, 3, maybe 4 pieces to donate or toss. The problem with this method is that the default is to keep the item since the item is already in the closet.

So, whenever I’m on the fence about getting rid of a top or skirt, 9 times out of 10, I’ll leave it in my closet. This is the type of mindset we don’t want to have when doing a deep closet clean-out. Instead, by removing everything, the default becomes “sell” or “donate”, which will in turn, encourage you to get rid of more items.

Determine how often you actually wear the piece

Ask yourself, “Have I worn this item in the past 2-3 months?” If the answer is no, more often than not, I would advise against keeping the item. Each and every piece of clothing you own should be something you reach toward on a regular basis. And I’m most definitely guilty of this- I find myself hanging onto items, telling myself that I’ll wear it eventually. But at the end of the day, that sweater or pair of shorts or T-shirt just sits at the back of your closet, collecting dust. There are dozens of reselling apps and thrift stores with people waiting to give your piece a better home.

Question the piece’s wearability

Ask yourself, “Am I able to wear this item comfortably without any restrictions?” Forget about having to workout before you can put on a pair of jeans or only being able to wear a dress before a meal. I am all too familiar with keeping jeans that are a tad too small or sweaters that are made of that gosh darn itchy material but are just so cute that I can’t bear to get rid of them. In reality though, I rarely even glance at these pieces. Remember, the clothes you keep should be able to be worn whenever- no what-ifs and buts.  

Analyze the versatility of the piece

A piece of clothing that can only be worn in one way can get repetitive. Challenge yourself to see if you can style your clothes in unique ways. Experiment with layering, pattern-mixing, and different color combinations. You never know: you may end up discovering outfits you never dreamed of.

Invest in basics, but don’t neglect statement pieces

Most fashion blogs and influencers will recommend purchasing high quality basics that can be used in various fashions. I 100% agree that it’s a wiser decision to invest in basics, rather than statement items that may go out of style within a couple months or so, but I also think it’s important to have statement pieces that will bring your outfits to the next level. A closet full of basics is by no means a bad closet, but having those few items with bold patterns or unique silhouettes will undoubtedly set your outfits apart. Also, don’t forget that statement accessories and makeup are just as valid as statement clothing- and it might be more affordable and interesting to experiment with different eyeshadow looks or earrings than a printed top.  

Determine if the item is Pinterest board-worthy 

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a Pinterest board with outfits upon outfits that you absolutely love, but when you look at your closet, the two don’t really seem to align. Do yourself a favor and when you’re cleaning out your closet, ask yourself if certain items match your desired aesthetic or style. This will lead you one step closer to reaching the closet of your dreams.

Make sure your items look cohesive overall

Ask yourself, “Does this item clash with my other pieces?” A general trend recently has been to have an “aesthetic” or a style that you cling to. Some people choose to look completely different every day with their outfits matching their moods, while others prefer wearing outfits that fall into the same aesthetic- and both styles are completely valid. If you lean more toward the latter, double check the items you have chosen to keep to see if anything seems like it stands out or doesn’t match with the others. By no means does this mean to automatically get rid of the item, but I would suggest making sure you are okay with having stand-out items or if you would rather remain fully cohesive - anything goes.

Don’t hang everything up (and don’t fold everything either!)

When you find yourself sitting in front of a pile of clothing that’s almost as tall as Mount Everest and you’ve decided that it’s time to put the pieces you have chosen to keep back in your closet, don’t automatically grab your hangers to hang each and every piece up. I have found that it’s a lot harder to sift through pounds of clothes in the morning to find an outfit than having a variety of items that are hanging and folded. And I know, this tip may seem a bit obvious, but it’s important to remember that visibility is key in wearing your clothes to their maximum.

Use the same hangers for your entire closet

At first glance, this tip sounds frivolous and pointless, but trust me. Having hangers that match for all of your clothes will make your closet look way neater and aesthetically pleasing. Your closet should be a place that’s welcoming, not something that’s overwhelming to look at. 

Repeat these steps 1-2 times a year

Minimalism is not a “one and done” process. To keep your closet from getting too stuffed, perform a closet clean-out at least once a year or twice for the transition from winter to summer. This way, you won’t find yourself buried under a six-foot tall mound of clothing with tops from a camp you went to who-knows-when.

I sincerely hope that these tips will help you in creating a closet that you love. Our lives are constantly full of stress and having neater surroundings will only do you good on your busy days. I truly believe that your environment has a large impact on your mental health, as well as your productivity. Do yourself a favor: clean your closet!

Chloe Lee

Hi! I’m Chloe Lee and I’m a writer for The Reel. I have lived in Summit my entire life and it’s been a surreal experience being able to give back to a community that has done so much for me. Outside of The Reel, I spend my time writing, watching films, and traveling – or at least fantasizing about my next adventure post-pandemic.


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