A Beginner’s Guide to Thrifting

Three months ago, I went thrifting for the first time. Ever since then, I’ve been hooked. Now, thrifting has been around for a long time, but it’s really only become popular in the last few years or so. It’s not surprising that thrifting has become big, since it’s an easy way to save money while continuing to buy sustainably. It’s important that we all do our job in reducing our carbon footprints, and thrifting is a simple yet exciting way to do so!

Possibly the thing I enjoy most about thrifting, though, is that it’s almost like a treasure hunt. The joy felt when discovering a unique item after endlessly scanning the aisles is unmatched, and I feel a sense of pride when I wear something I thrifted. Before walking through the gates of the glorious paradise that is a thrift store, we must have a game plan. And so, without further ado, here is A Beginner’s Guide to Thrifting.


Go on a weekday

With summer approaching, now’s the best time to thrift – we no longer have to worry about school the next day. Thrift stores, like most places, are typically most crowded on weekends. Everyone is off of school and work, so it’s the easiest time for people to shop. However, this actually creates a disadvantage for most of us. Since thrift stores only have a certain amount of stock, if the demand is too high one day, there’s less of a chance of finding the pieces you’re looking for before someone else snatches them up. So it’s best to plan your trip for a day or time when the store is least crowded. Mornings, especially, will give you the opportunity to be the first one to see the items that have just been shelved.  


Not all thrifted stores are created equal

Every store is going to have its strengths and weaknesses. One store may have a large collection of accessories, while another store carries lots of dresses. Take some time to figure out which stores specialize in which items. In the long run, this will save you loads of time because instead of having to rummage through racks of Forever 21 jeans at one store, praying that you’ll find a pair of Levis, you’ll know to go directly to another store that you’re sure has more Levis than you could ever dream of. 

Research, research, research

I always like to go into stores with a general idea of what I’m looking to walk out with. Obviously, things may change as you peruse the aisles, but it’s always better to have some sense of direction than none at all. Open up your favorite platform for fashion inspiration, whether it’s Pinterest (my personal favorite), Instagram, or even Google, and start looking through your saved images.

Try to find some common items that appear in your images, like a certain fit of pants or a specific pattern on a top. The more often these items appear, the more essential these pieces become to your future wardrobe. These items are now your “target items”. This means that as you’re shopping, keep an extra eye out for them. If you’re successful on your first shopping trip, congratulations! If not, don’t be discouraged and keep trying. Continue this method for each item in your dream wardrobe, starting from the most common in your saved images, progressing toward the most rare. 


What brands should I buy?

Like thrift stores, not all brands are equal when it comes to how they age. There are certain brands that sell designs that are classic and timeless - they’ll never go out of style. On the flip side, there are brands that mainly sell items that are trendy for a couple months or a couple years, tops. That being said, it seems like a waste to spend 40, 50 bucks on a piece that’s bound to go out of style eventually. And so, take advantage of the discounted prices thrift stores offer. Purchase an item that aligns with a trend you’ve been wanting to try out, but have been hesitant to invest in. This way, you can see if you like the item and want to buy more high quality pieces in that style, or if you really just hate it. Either way, your wallet won’t face a ton of damage. Be a smart shopper - your wallet will thank you.

Google is your friend

You have access to billions of tidbits of information at your fingertips constantly - use it to your advantage! If you find a piece that you really love, but you’re not sure if the brand is high-quality or if the price is discounted much, open up your pal Google and search online. You’d be surprised how easy it is to type in a few key descriptors of the item, as well as the brand name, and voila! You’ll find some reviews of the company and the retail price. This way, you’ll know if it’d be a wiser decision to buy the second-hand item at the discounted price or to purchase it brand-new at full price.

More than anything, remember that thrifting is about the experience. Regardless of whether you walk out with the skirt of your dreams or not, it’s all an adventure. Besides, truth be told, thrifting is really just luck. Sometimes, you’ll happen to be in the right place at the right time, and sometimes you won’t - and that’s okay! My hope is that these tips will help you to feel a bit more centered as you go on your first - or twentieth - thrifting adventure. 

Best of luck thrifting, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Chloe Lee

Hi! I’m Chloe Lee and I’m a writer for The Reel. I have lived in Summit my entire life and it’s been a surreal experience being able to give back to a community that has done so much for me. Outside of The Reel, I spend my time writing, watching films, and traveling – or at least fantasizing about my next adventure post-pandemic.


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