interested in joining our team?

Apply to start The Reel in your location!

 Job Summary

The Local Reel is an online community of young content creators aiming to help showcase local communities around the world, and supporting the small businesses within them. We give you the chance to tap into whatever your passions are: writing, photography, graphic design, social media, business administration, entrepreneurship, and more. If you want to get involved but The Reel has not yet been established in your location, we encourage you to apply!

Responsibilities and Duties

  • Respond in a timely manner to emails from management

  • Establish a readership in your location

  • Promote your magazine in your location - take on social media and marketing interns

  • Publish content consistently for that location - take on writing interns

We will, of course, help and guide you!

Qualifications and Skills

  • Must have a knack for administration and management

  • Have a passion for your community

  • Must be punctual when it comes to deadlines

  • High-schoolers and young adults are welcome!

  • Positions are unpaid and remote.