How Baking Keeps Me Sane

When the pandemic first started, there were lots of days where I just felt...meh. Whether it was online school, the inability to do the things I loved, or even just staying at home all day, there were times I felt like my entire world was just a gray blob. All the things I used to love doing just seemed so pointless. At least, that was until I found the phrase “Sourdough Bread Starter” trending on social media. I was intrigued by this, and I ended up hunkering down and actually making my own sourdough bread a few weeks later (as I needed time for my starter to get musty).

I immediately fell in love with this bread, precisely measuring out all of the ingredients and carefully kneading the dough. As my entire family feasted on the fresh bread with jam and butter for breakfast, I felt a euphoria that I hadn’t felt in a long time. It looked like I had just found a way to keep myself sane throughout quarantine.

Turns out, bread isn’t the only baked good that exists in the world- who knew, right? After I became a sourdough PRO, I was eager to expand my horizons to other delicious goodies. I made it all- from pecan pie to lemon bars to chocolate soufflé. I had become so fixated on what I was going to bake next that I often had to be reminded that there was food that existed without baking soda or sugar. But honestly? I didn’t care. I loved baking so much that I would do it day and night without an ounce of complaint. It took my mind off the chaos in the world, and seeing my family enjoy what I baked filled me with pride.

There were days when I woke up at 6 a.m. to surprise everyone with freshly baked muffins and scones- a feat that is almost unheard of for a die-hard night owl like me.

I guess I just adored the way I mentally and emotionally felt while I was baking. I felt at peace when I measured out each ingredient just right and mixed them all together with the utmost care. If you asked people what they love most about baking, they’d probably say “eating the things I make” because, let’s face it, baked goods are delicious.

But for me, the thing that I love most while I’m in the kitchen is watching the batter or dough rise in the oven. Watching something go from tasteless goop to a full-blown dessert with texture and a beautiful scent in just a few minutes will never fail to blow my mind. And taking that warm dish out of the oven for the first time, allowing its aroma to fill the entire room is another aspect of baking that makes my heart flutter while simultaneously calming me down.

So, could you say that I’m obsessed with baking? Probably. Is that a bad thing? Well, as my mother puts it, “As long as you give most of what you bake away, you can mix or knead to your heart's content.” In all seriousness, giving away what I bake is definitely another one of the many perks of having a whisk. While yes, giving away cookies that could be your midnight snack to your neighbor can be a daunting task, I promise you that brightening up someone else's day with those same cookies will help you sleep even easier than a belly full of them.

While some people find comfort in drawing, music, or sports, the thing that kept me sane throughout my quarantine experience was spending hours in the kitchen baking to my heart's content. And whenever you may be having a rough day, try whipping out a spatula and googling for a fun recipe. Who knows? You might just find the comfort you’ve been looking for. 

Edited by Chloe Lee

Isabella Estupinan

Isabella is a swimmer, student, orator, and current writer/ content creator for the Local Reel. She absolutely loves being a part of The Reel because she gets the opportunity to explore two of her passions while also supporting various communities! Some of her favorite things are Asian food, cartoons, movies, baking, and her dog Dash.


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