Why I Love Long Drives

When you think about complete, undisturbed peace, what comes to mind? Is it relaxing in front of the ocean on a sunny beach day, the gentle crashing of the waves on the shore slowing pushing you toward sleep? Is it settling in on a super comfy couch with a warm tea in your hand while you catch up on your favorite novel? Or maybe it’s listening to the calming tones of your favorite songs while you lie down on your bed, drifting precariously between consciousness and sleep. Whatever your favorite idyllic scene looks like, everyone has something that they can always count on to wind them down after a long day. For me, that’s going on a long drive.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: your mind has immediately flashed to memories of you and your family squeezing into a car, sometimes for countless hours. Your sibling refuses to push up their seat, your parents are absolutely set on listening to the 90’s rock playlist you’ve suffered through 100 times, all while you feel your entire lower half fall asleep due to lack of circulation. Believe me, I’ve been there. However, I’ve also come to learn that there is valuable tranquility that comes from spending time on the open road. 


Picture this: you’re in the passenger seat of your car as you coast across the gorgeous, New Jersey countryside. It’s late fall, so the air around you is cool as you lean against the window; however, you feel gentle rays of sun caress your face as they stream in through the glass, offering you a taste of warmth amidst the constant chill.

You open your eyes to see mountains of luscious trees, ranging from stunning gold to bright orange to a deep, vibrant red. You smile at the scene before you as your eyelids gradually become heavy, so heavy, in fact, that you can’t keep them open for any longer. So, with the tender movements of the car slowly cajoling you into sleep, you close your eyes as you allow the world to pass you by, giving in to the calming atmosphere caused by the ride. 


Or maybe you’re driving through the town that you grew up in. You take pleasure driving past your old school and seeing the current students, asking yourself “Wow, was I really ever that short?” as your mind drifts to the memories you made in that place, putting a small smile on your face.


You drive by your favorite local ice cream shop, seeing groups of friends and families order their cones and sundaes without a care in the world; it reminds you of the many nights you spent licking strawberry ice cream off of your hands because you were too stubborn to get a cup like everyone else, electing to get the vastly superior, slightly inconvenient waffle cone. And then, you drive through the heart of downtown where you see the entire neighborhood bustling around. The restaurants are packed with customers, each in their own worlds as they interact with the members of their party, sharing stories and catching up.

So, I guess you could say that the reason I love long drives so much is that they allow me to take in the wonderful aspects of the world. Whether it’s nature, other people, or even just life in general, getting to fully immerse myself in it is one of my favorite parts of being alive. So, what are you waiting for? Hop into a car and drive around! You have no idea what you could gain from it :)

Isabella Estupinan

Isabella is a swimmer, student, orator, and current writer/ content creator for the Local Reel. She absolutely loves being a part of The Reel because she gets the opportunity to explore two of her passions while also supporting various communities! Some of her favorite things are Asian food, cartoons, movies, baking, and her dog Dash.


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