Three Summer Side Hustles for Teens

We’re all on the lookout for easy ways to make money – and now that it’s summer, we have all the time in the world to do so. Whether it’s for a book you’ve been dying to read or an album from your favorite artist, cash is a never-ending need. But the question is, how do we get the cash? Well, these days, money can be earned in all sorts of ways. And so, I now present to you: Three Summer Side Hustles for Teens.

Create + Sell


Thanks to the Internet, just about anything can be sold online. Whether you choose to sell your art, knitted creations, or handmade jewelry, promote your business on a social media platform like Instagram, TikTok, or even create your own blog! There are tons of apps and sites to sell your masterpieces on, such as Etsy, Depop, and Poshmark. Try your hand at making your own small business, whatever your product may be! And what’s more than the sweet cash you’ll make is the hands-on experience you’ll get in doing whatever you can to make your small business successful. Running a small business allows you to be your own boss, while teaching you about profit margins, production costs, and more. Don’t be afraid to tell your friends and family about your business in order to spread the word!

Resell Clothes

If crafting isn't your forte, try reselling clothes! Buy brand name items at places like thrift stores and vintage shops, flip (revamp) them if you choose to, and post them on apps like Depop and Poshmark. Look for pieces in stores that are in trend and are of high quality. If you’re experienced in sewing and fashion design, try flipping some pieces to be more trendy or more intricate and post them to sell! Apps like Depop and Poshmark are fairly flexible in the way you choose to sell your items, but remember that they do take a small cut of your transactions. Don’t forget to promote your reselling accounts on your personal social media!  




Everyone has a subject or skill they’re particularly good at. From tutoring in writing to giving painting lessons, the skills you have can be the key to earning cash. Reach out to family members and friends, create business cards and flyers, and promote your services on social media. Think critically about the work you’ll put into preparing lessons, the cost of materials you’ll need to provide, and the time you’ll dedicate to tutoring when determining your price per lesson. Don’t underestimate your abilities and your talents, but at the same time, remember that you are not as qualified as professionals (unless you are one!), and thus, should not be paid as one. Be diligent in creating your lesson plans and cater to your target audience. Remember, if you’re tutoring elementary school students, your lessons are going to differ from if you were helping the elderly work with technology instead.

Whatever you choose to do, remember to earn money that is well-deserved. Put time and effort into running your small business as smoothly as possible or creating lessons that are both engaging and educational. People will only pay for services that are worth their time, so do your best to be your best! Running a business, no matter how small, takes trial and error. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes because that’s how we all learn!

I’m wishing you all the best of luck in your side hustle adventures this summer! 

Chloe Lee

Hi! I’m Chloe Lee and I’m a writer for The Reel. I have lived in Summit my entire life and it’s been a surreal experience being able to give back to a community that has done so much for me. Outside of The Reel, I spend my time writing, watching films, and traveling – or at least fantasizing about my next adventure post-pandemic.


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