How to be Productive on the Weekends

Weekends can be… disappointing. You know when you plan to do your homework over the weekend, study, work out, clean your room, AND hang out with your friends? Only for one of those things to happen, so then you're faced with loads of homework and studying to do on a Sunday night. Don't worry, I've got a few tips to make sure your weekend is productive!

#1: Keep Your Space Organized

A clean space equals a clean mind. I don't know about you, but for me, it's really difficult for me to get my work done when my room/workspace is messy. So, cleaning your space can only be beneficial. Making your bed, pushing in all your drawers, and making sure there aren't any clothes on the floor – all these make you actually want to spend time in your room and study. Oh, and don't forget to tidy up your desk! It's super important to be able to feel good about the surface you are working on.

#2: Manage Your Time

This one might seem a little obvious, but it really is important to manage your time properly. When you wake up, think about what you're giving up by not getting your work done earlier. You give up a relaxing Sunday evening, by not doing your work on Saturday. I recently discovered that, and it gives you a better perspective on managing your time. Once you're done with your work, you'll realize there's still plenty of time left in the day! Although it's important to manage your time during the day, it's also important to manage your time well during the night. 

#3 Sleep!

Ok, I know your own parents probably tell you this, but sleep is crucial. Think about it! If you're unenergized, how will you even motivate yourself to wake up earlier or tidy up your space? Getting enough sleep means you'll be energized for the new day ahead. Although it's difficult to go to sleep because of your phone and keeping up with your friends' messages, it's worth missing out on a Facetime call if it means being healthy. You're not going to like hearing this but… put your phone in a different room. Crazy, right? Time away from electronics? A true shocker. Trust me, you'll fall asleep if there aren't any distractions around you. 

So, now that you've read this article to procrastinate studying for your math test, go be productive! No more cramming for your tests on a Sunday night!

Sofia Estupiñán

Sofia is a student, foodie, and writer for The Local Reel. She loves being a part of The Reel because she can show people how awesome her community is. She enjoys spending time with her family, biking, writing, and photography. 


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