Productivity 101

To preface this: I am, by no means, the most productive person in the world. I do my fair share of scrolling through TikTok when I really should be working on homework- it’s not my fault the TikTok algorithm is so addicting, is it? To compensate for my hours of procrastination, though, I have meticulously created a routine that maximizes the work I am able to accomplish in a seemingly obscenely short amount of time. I have compiled and formatted my routine into bite-sized tips that will hopefully help you be a bit more productive during the day!


Tip #1: Create a to-do list 

Whether you choose to list your tasks digitally or physically, I would highly suggest having your tasks in front of you throughout the day. When I don’t write my tasks down, I almost always find myself forgetting to do something. By having a to-do list, those midnight crises will be averted, and your day will feel much more organized. My favorite digital to-do list platform is an app called MinimaList, which allows you to name your tasks, set a due date for each one, and check them off. You can also use the Pomodoro technique (see the next tip!) directly through the app!

Tip #2: The Pomodoro Technique

If you aren’t familiar with the Pomodoro Technique, it is a time-management method breaks a long task down into 25-minute intervals, meaning you would take a short break after every 25 minutes of work. You would usually set a timer to ring every 25 minutes. This method is meant to prevent you from falling into the alluring hands of Instagram and TikTok, or whatever it may be, since each break is an opportunity to reset and realign your focus.

Tip #3: Don’t try to do everything at once... please! 

I get it – we all want to shove as much work as possible onto our to-do lists, and of course, our goal is to finish it all. However, this is really just a recipe for disaster and, not to mention, disappointment. Be realistic with yourself by naming your top 3-5 tasks that have to be done by the end of the day. Afterwards, feel free to add your remaining tasks as “pending” tasks, meaning it would be great if you complete them, but there’s no pressure to.


Tip #4: Make a schedule 

There’s no need to make it fancy. Having a schedule is a way to get a general idea of how much time each task will take, while giving you an outline of what your day will look like. I make sure to include the times I plan on starting tasks, my extracurriculars, meals, and break times. And remember, you can always adjust your schedule if plans change!

Tip #5: Get your smaller tasks done first

Typically, the tasks you have to get done will vary in length. I choose to complete tasks that will take me anywhere from 5-15 minutes as soon as I have a free moment, and leave my bigger assignments for later. This can include worksheets for school, quick replies to emails or texts, and more. By doing this, you will have completed at least a couple tasks almost right off the bat. There is nothing worse than realizing its 8 pm on a Sunday night and getting that sinking feeling knowing that you haven’t done anything. This method will prevent this oh-so-familiar routine of panicking and remaining on the brink of mental breakdown- you can thank me later ;)

My go-to schedule over the weekend is as follows:

Fridays – short assignments (worksheets; putting finishing touches on a paper or lab; completing any assignments due by 11:59 pm)

Saturdays – projects, labs, and extracurricular work

Sundays – study for assessments and wrap up any loose ends from prior days

Tip #6: Overestimate, never underestimate 

This is the one tip I absolutely live by. Everyone’s worst fear is assuming a task will only take an hour or so, but before you know it, 3 hours later, you’re still not done. If you think a task will realistically take 30 minutes to complete, give yourself at least 45 minutes to do it. This will ensure that you have more than enough time to finish everything, and it’ll accommodate any hiccups... or impromptu Pinterest breaks. And think about it: the worst thing that happens if you finish early is more time to binge-watch The Office, or whatever it is people watch these days.

Being productive is definitely not something that comes easily to everyone. It takes finding a routine that works perfectly for you. I hope that my tips have provided you with some sense of direction and will guide you to becoming more productive...even if you do still spend a couple hours on TikTok.

Chloe Lee

Hi! I’m Chloe Lee and I’m a writer for The Reel. I have lived in Summit my entire life and it’s been a surreal experience being able to give back to a community that has done so much for me. Outside of The Reel, I spend my time writing, watching films, and traveling – or at least fantasizing about my next adventure post-pandemic.


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