Flowers to Plant This Season!

New Jerseyans probably have the strongest debates which of the four seasons is the best. Our years are divided into particularly distinguishable quarters, each with different flora and forecast.


Believe me, I totally get the appeal of crunchy leaves in the fall, but spring has to be my favorite. We are currently seeing a slow decline in cold weather, getting weeks with temperatures ranging from 50’s to 70’s. Nevertheless, spring’s presence is evident. I mean, look outside - as I’m writing this, there is a fantastically elegant pear blossom growing in my front yard. As we all know, spring brings one thing - PLANTS! That’s why I talked to Laura of The Farm At Green Village about what plants we should buy right now to make our gardens pop!

First, let’s talk annuals. I was very graciously enlightened that annuals are flowers which bloom for long periods of time, but rarely return the next season. One excellent contender for your next favorite annual is the pansy. Pansies come in an incredible array of different colors that are sure to brighten your abode. But here’s the best part; these flowers are cold-resistant, which is tremendously important for the surprise chilly days that are still straggling on in the beginning of spring. These beauties will last through the beginning of summer, so get your hands on them now! Meanwhile, violas are another great choice. These flowers belong to the same family as pansies; as for their vivid, vibrant hues? I’ll let the pictures do the talking here. 

Of course, there are also perennials, which tend to return each year. I was introduced to hellebores - make no mistake, there’s nothing boring about these! Growing up to 1-2 feet tall, Laura tells me that, “They have some really dramatic blossom colors.” In fact, hellebores even sometimes come in a rich true black shade! The ones I saw were a classy pink-greenish variety. Looking for a perennial short in stature but mighty in magnificence? Meet the creeping phlox, which creates pastel blossoms in colors such as pink or white. They grow close to the ground, and are good for covering garden area. Specifically, they make wonderful additions to a rock garden. 

If you’re feeling hungry after taking in so many floral facts, fear not! You can grow cool weather vegetables around this time too. These include greens such as lettuce, arugula, and kale. Soon, it will be time to start planting veggies meant for later in the season, like peppers and tomatoes! Thank you to Laura at The Farm At Green Village for her help! Go visit them at 403 Green Village Road, visit their website to order online, and follow them on Instagram @thefarmatgreenvillage . With so many amazing options to choose from, I can’t help but give a (green) thumbs-up!


Happy May!


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