Tutoring Centers in Summit, NJ

I can vividly remember the first few weeks of quarantine: I was constantly watching Netflix, trying (and eventually succeeding) to make whipped coffee, and believing that I’d be back in the classroom by April.


Nearly a year later, Summit students are still trying to adapt to education within the confines of their bedrooms. Many students are feeling strained as they struggle to meet academic standards. The Summit Reel sees the importance in reaching out for additional support when it comes to maintaining grades. Thankfully, Summit is home to three incredible tutoring centers dedicated to helping pupils thrive - especially in times like these.

Meredith Wunderlich is a tutor at Summit Prep, located on 475 Springfield Avenue. “I’ve been working as a tutor and consultant since I was 14 years old,” says Meredith. She’s been striving to uphold Summit Prep’s simple yet powerful goal: “To empower students to succeed in life.”

Summit Prep hopes to create a comfortable and holistic learning environment to inspire their hundreds of students to tackle real-world problems. Meredith guarantees that the specific and unique needs of each student are met. “We will match you up with someone who has a speciality in what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for help with your AP Biology exam, we have someone who specializes in AP Biology.” To add on, they tutor for all English, History, Science and Math levels K-12, as well as college courses. The center can take on “Honors algebra, biology, chemistry, physics, environmental . . . we teach almost everything.”

Summit Prep has great programs preparing students for the SAT, ACT, and local private school admissions tests (i.e. Delbarton). Other tests they help with are the SSAT, ISEE, LSAT and GRE. Understanding the impact that COVID-19 has had on those seeking educational support, Summit Prep is committed to constant communication with families and safe learning. They offer virtual and in-person sessions. If you’re concerned about safety, don’t worry! Office meetings are kept safe with masks, disinfection, and plexiglass dividers. To further assist families grappling with COVID learning, Summit Prep has provided students with materials such as webcams so they are able to attend tutoring sessions and classes virtually.


Prices for tutoring vary depending on hours, grade level, and subject - however, many students shoot for a $20–$50 hour package. Clients are often satisfied with their experience; Take John, who says that, “They helped my confidence as well as my preparation, while making me feel welcome with their warm smiles.” Summit Prep recently outgrew its first location, expanding fast, and now has a second center in Bernardsville. Meredith recognizes how important Summit Prep’s role is in bettering students’ futures - she was a diligent high schooler, participating in music ensembles and an environmental club! After all, she knows tutoring isn’t just about grades; “It’s also about building confidence.”

Heralding from 25 Maple Street, Hilltop Tutoring Center pays homage to Summit’s high-altitude location. Francesca Pizzigoni is happy to be using her Master’s in Pure and Applied Mathematics, as well as her certification in math secondary education, to help tutor students in math. “It’s what I really enjoy,” she says. Founded with a team of partners in August 2014, Francesca believes that Hilltop Tutoring Center’s strong suit is communication with students and parents. Above all, the organization’s best asset is its people.

“I think that our tutors are incredible educators,” explains Francesca, “but are also really incredible people.” The dedicated tutors at Hilltop Tutoring Center offer aid in all levels of science, language arts, math, and history. Foreign language fanatics will appreciate their offer of tutoring in Spanish! In terms of testing, they can prepare clients for the SAT, ACT, ISEE and SSAT.

Hilltop Tutoring Center can take pride in their exceptionally swift response to the pandemic. At the beginning of lockdown, one staff member took initiative: “He had suggested to us that we order document cameras.” These project papers so the students can see them virtually. In addition, students have been provided SAT/ACT curriculum binders and practice problems for at-home learning. For now, tutoring is all virtual; this has provided new opportunities, such as the ability to teach students in places like Texas and even Ireland! One fantastic service Francesca praises is Hilltop Tutoring Center’s brilliant college essay program - sessions for this program are $155 per hour, while regular academic tutoring is $130 per hour.

Fundamentally, Hilltop Tutoring Center ventures “to be a one-stop shop for families to get their students the help they need in all subjects by people who are experts in their subjects.” According to their testimonials, they are more than successful; Virginia M. says, of her sons’ experiences, that “Both boys did exceptionally well on their SAT's and both submitted killer essays as part of their college applications.” Although COVID presents new challenges, Francesca won’t let it get in the way of education. “It feels so similar to in-person tutoring. We suggest to families that they give it a try.” With their commitment to kindness and achievement, we’re sure this advice holds true. 

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For some, math sticks out as a formidable obstacle when compared to other subjects. That’s when Mathnasium, found on 85 Summit Ave, steps in.

Owner Jodi Ralston, holding a Master’s in math education, has a special love for mathematics. She taught math for around a decade in Minnesota before moving her practice to New Jersey. Mathnasium’s impact reaches outside of Summit; Jodi is connected to 5 different nearby locations! “Our mission is to teach children math so they understand it, master it, and love it,” Jodi proudly declares. Mathnasium stands out from other facilities due to their adroit focus on math and the belief that math can be fun when students reach their full potential. Their sessions have an energetic and enthusiastic feel that encourages children to excel.

The tutoring center aims to not only help students reach accomplishment, but mastery. This help is offered to students from 2nd grade to high school, and to students preparing for the SAT, ACT, and private school admission exams. In today’s circumstances regarding COVID, Mathnasium is holding Zoom sessions for their students – enrollment has increased due to convenience, and they plan to continue virtual meetings for some clients permanently!

There are three types of programs offered, the first being Curriculum Plus, which includes a customized assessment-based learning plan for students in 2nd grade to high school. Tutoring Plus is solely for high schoolers, put together for students with a strong understanding of algebra (held every school night from 7:00-8:30). The third program is private tutoring, which needs to be scheduled in advance. The cost of tutoring is dependent on grade level, and can range from $300-$500 per month. If Mathnasium’s persistence towards prosperity in the field of mathematics has you enamored, just wait until you hear the impression they’ve left on their past patrons.

Mithu D. raves about his daughter’s experience; “She loves math now and is soon going to join Union County Vocational Training School (Magnet) where she plans to continue her passion in math.” Jodi loves teaching math, specifically algebra, because of how applicable it is. The power of math blooms in the hands of educated scholars - cultivated by the bright minds at innovative institutions like Mathnasium.

Thanks to Meredith and Crystal from Summit Prep, Francesca from Hilltop Tutoring Center, and Jodi from Mathnasium for making The Summit Reel’s rundown of local tutoring centers possible! During these difficult times, there is one thing that unites a wonderful place like Summit; ambition. With people so dedicated to education at their sides, students are truly able to shoot for the stars.


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