DIY Holiday Centerpiece

The holidays are a busy time, to say the least. Buying gifts, decorating the house, and planning your menu may make you feel more than slightly overwhelmed. As you set your table for that perfect holiday dinner, you might suddenly realize that you should have bought another piece of festive decor to bring it all together, but not to worry! I’ve got you covered. This quick and easy centerpiece was made with things I had around the house and a grocery store bouquet! Plus, it’s super fun to make. Here is the step-by-step guide:


  1. Glass container, vase, bowl, or other vessel (I used a glass container I purchased at the dollar store a few years ago.)

  2. If using a see-through container, you want something engaging at the bottom to give it some texture – cranberries, small rocks, marbles, etc.

  3. Masking tape, electrical tape, any kind of tape but scotch tape!

  4. Ribbon or raffia

  5. One bouquet of flowers in festive colors


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1. Wash your container – you don't want a dusty vessel!

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2. Fill the bottom a third of the way full with something colorful or textured. I had a bag of cranberries in my fridge left over from Thanksgiving and used those. Cranberries are a bright festive color perfect for the holidays, but you can also use marbles, rocks, etc. These will give the bottom of your centerpiece some pop, making it really unique!

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3. With your tape, make a grid on top of your container. I did not have masking tape, but I found some electrical tape in the garage which worked just as well. The grid helps keep the flowers in place.

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4. Start slipping flowers from the bouquet into the grid. Start in the middle with your largest or most colorful bloom, and fill in the rest, cutting in different lengths as you go. Flowers closer to the rim should be smaller or less colorful than those in the middle. The neutral stems like the greens should go in last, as accents.

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5. Tie a ribbon or raffia around the top edge of the container to hide the tape.



– You can put a tall candle in the middle of the container and then tape off your grid around it. Add your flowers as above.

– Try a unicolor bouquet (such as all white flowers) and accent with fresh, real berries and holly.

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Christmas Cocktails


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