8Greens: A New Way to Hydrate

I have a lot of issues with “green” juices, or detox teas, and electrolyte drinks - the biggest one being their taste. I could go the rest of my life without ever drinking something that started as a powder - or a syrup, for that matter. 

8Greens, though, caught me by surprise. It’s light, doesn’t taste like grass, and has sweetness and a little bit of tang. Waking up and taking a sip makes me feel like #ThatGirl, even if it takes significantly less effort to prepare than a kale smoothie. 

Their fizzy tablets come in six types: lemon and lime (original), blood orange (original), melon (original), peach tea (energizer), lemon ginger (detox), and fresh apples (skin). While I have not tried all of these, I love the original lemon/lime, melon, and peach tea (in that order). And as someone who despises carbonation, this has the perfect level of bubbly. 

Their tablets combine 8 greens (haha, get the name?) into one tiny tablet. Spinach, kale, aloe vera, wheatgrass, blue green algae, barley grass, chlorella and spirulina make for the perfect mix.

These tablets make the perfect supplements for kids who hate veggies and parents who are too  busy to get their daily intakes in. As a teen, these are the perfect ‘grab’n’go’ supplements after pulling an all nighter studying for a math or history test. 

The peach tea tablets contain the previously mentioned greens, in addition to three natural energy providers (guarana, yerba mate, and coffeeberry) and make the perfect replacement for those of us whose New Year's Resolutions included cutting back on our caffeine intakes.  

8Greens makes a variety of other goods, including lollipops (which are surprisingly good), powder sticks (I prefer the tablets, but all the {powder} to you) and gummies.

Liza Price

Director of Operations and Social Media Manager means Liza has a lot of hats to wear. She is responsible for making sure The Reel runs smoothly, and is constantly working on growth. She has had an abundance of experience in the marketing world, having managed several business accounts under Undeniable Media and cofounding a subscription-based social media marketing service. She is passionate about giving local teens real-time experience in the marketing and content creation worlds, and enjoys running her interns greatly. Her goal is to help as many teens improve and hone their skills as possible. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, gardening, and is all about learning.


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