Who By Fire | Book Review

The Book "Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai" by Matti Friedman.

Book: Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai

Author: Matti Friedman

Rating: 5/5

Age Rating: 13+


Who By Fire: Leonard Cohen in the Sinai by Matti Friedman is a masterfully written biography detailing Leonard Cohen’s time performing to Israeli soldiers during the Yom Kippur War. In October of 1973, an already-famous Cohen decides to leave his house in Hydra in an attempt to serve with the army. He, already thirty-nine, is denied a role as a solider but invited to play the part of singer-songwriter once more by performing to soldiers alongside a group of local musicians.


“Who by fire? Who by water? Who in the sun shine? Who in the night time?” 

These are the opening lyrics to Leonard Cohen’s song, “Who By Fire”, in his critically acclaimed album, “New Skin For The Old Ceremony” (1974). The album also plays host to classics like “Chelsea Hotel #2”, “Lover Lover Lover”, and “Is This What You Wanted” – songs beloved by anyone familiar with the poet and singer-songwriter. 

Although I am younger than the majority of Cohen’s fanbase, my fondest childhood memories consist of my mother making her famous egg noodle soup to the sound of “Take This Waltz” in the background, or sitting down for Thanksgiving with the lyrics of “Suzanne” humming as we shared what we were all thankful for. Later, when I was still in middle school, my first vinyl record was a copy of Cohen’s album “Current Songs”, which I bought despite not owning a record player (I purchased one soon after).

Over the past year or so, I have made it a personal goal to read every piece of literature written by/about Cohen. I started with his poetry collections (or those I could find), and began buying up biographies on his life – the most famous of which is, undoubtedly, “I’m Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen” by Sylvie Simmons, which I highly recommend for the reader looking to get a full overview of Cohen’s life. 

But we’re not here to talk about his whole life, rather his time in the Sinai during the Yom Kippur War, which I, despite my near-encyclopedia level knowledge of Cohen’s songs, did not know about – nor I was searching for it.  

I didn’t find Matti Friedman’s on the internet – where I find so many  of my biographies – but rather in my local Barnes & Nobles. At the time, I had about three other books on the life story of Cohen, so I wasn’t looking for another. However, how could I resist? (No – seriously, how can I? I have a problem.)

I read the physical book and listened to the audiobook simultaneously, and the mixed-media experience was borderline life-changing. Author Friedman does a masterful job of combining the history of the Yom Kippur War, civilian accounts of the tragedy, and a borderline mythological retelling of Leonard Cohen’s role in it all. As Cohen’s appearances on the front lines intertwine with the life stories of Israeli citizens and soldiers, I found myself in awe of the entire story. The audiobook also wove in excerpts of songs written during Cohen’s time in Sinai, opening my eyes to the true meaning of the lyrics. 

Alongside Friedman’s own captivating work, special segments of an unfinished manuscript by Cohen (which has never been published before now), and rare photographs depicting the war. The manuscript contains unfiltered thoughts of Cohen’s, and when combined with Friedman’s masterful retelling of his life, one can come to understand the man behind the myth that is Leonard Cohen. 

I highly recommend both the audio and physical book to any readers interested in either the singer, the war, or a better understanding of Cohen’s work as a whole. I enjoyed this immensely, and doubt I will ever stop talking about it. 

Liza Price

Director of Operations and Social Media Manager means Liza has a lot of hats to wear. She is responsible for making sure The Reel runs smoothly, and is constantly working on growth. She has had an abundance of experience in the marketing world, having managed several business accounts under Undeniable Media and cofounding a subscription-based social media marketing service. She is passionate about giving local teens real-time experience in the marketing and content creation worlds, and enjoys running her interns greatly. Her goal is to help as many teens improve and hone their skills as possible. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, gardening, and is all about learning.


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