The Pony Mayhem Improv Club

Admittedly, COVID has made it hard to put on live shows or productions of any kind. Especially considering the frigid winter, live entertainment has been hard to come by. But as we progress through the year, people are getting vaccinated and the weather is getting nicer. Things are easing back into normalcy.

Yet, I know personally that many are left confused as to what to do with this slow-coming normalcy. We all need someplace safe and entertaining to make us laugh again.

No need to improvise, because Livingston High School’s Improv Club is hosting a COVID-safe show open to everyone. Officially named the “Pony Mayhem Improv Club”, it’s clear that you’ll have a blast watching the show.

COVID hit the arts hard, but the school’s improv club, which has been around for longer than any members can remember, didn’t let that stop them. They formulated games possible to play over Zoom and perfected them virtually. With lots of practice and hard work, they managed to host a webinar for all to come and see on March 26th. They reached out through their Instagram and school homepage, and gained a high turnout to their virtual show! Extremely successful, they were soon permitted to have an in-person show, as long as the students could figure out a way to have it safely. And that they did!

The double vaccinated members of Pony Mayhem Improv Club at rehearsal.

The double vaccinated members of Pony Mayhem Improv Club at rehearsal.

With daily temperature checks, outdoor rehearsals, social distancing, and masks, the club started outdoor rehearsals in the spring. Even in the pouring rain and raging wind, they kept practicing their puns and skits. They came up with and adjusted games so that they would be non-contact activities. Without spoiling any of the future shows, I can tell you that the production is not only hilarious, but interactive with the audience. For improv skits and games like “Crazy Director” and “Late Coworker”, audience members can recommend topics and themes for the improvisers to use. In addition, audience-favorite games that couldn’t be done over Zoom are being brought back!

It all sounds really enticing, doesn’t it? Luckily, you can be an audience member! On Friday, June 11th, the club will be hosting a live show at the front of their high school in Essex County, New Jersey. All audience members and improvisers will be socially distanced and masked. All improvisers are either fully vaccinated or getting their second dose soon. They are super excited, as they haven’t had a live show in over a year. Since the show is outdoors, dates and times might fluctuate from this point. For updates, you can check out the group’s Instagram @ponymayhemimprov. It is run by the two senior club presidents, Manni Burach and Diego Bolanos.

Not only has the club given live entertainment for people to look forward to, but it has also given students the chance to engage with the arts, especially during a time when even Broadway has shut down. It’s given students a place to let go of their troubles and just be silly and carefree –to do ridiculous things and completely forget about the 6-page, MLA formatted English essay they have due that night. In the throes of finals and AP testing, we could all use a laugh.

So pack your lawn chairs and check out the free show! Bring along friends and family to kick off the summer with fits of laughter. The Pony Mayhem Improv Club will leave you in hysterics.

Two improvisors practicing a skit.

Two improvisors practicing a skit.

Dasara Kurti

Hello! I’m Dasara Kurti, a writer for The Reel. I adore homey and creative outlets, and The Reel encompasses just that! It has provided me an amazing opportunity to showcase my writing while also revealing the beauty of our local environment. When I’m not writing, you can find me painting, making music, or with a good book at a nearby park. 


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